Male reproductive organs are located outside the groin area, which makes them more vulnerable than females. If a man's egg is injured, the reasons can be very different, as it is easy to injure a man's testicles and penis. In addition, the testes are exposed to infectious, inflammatory processes. They are negatively affected by promiscuity, violent sex, and prolonged abstinence.
Representatives of the powerful half of humanity are very sensitive to their dignity, so it is important that they know which doctor to contact and what to do in such situations.

a little anatomy
The testes or testis are sex-androgenic glands that are internally divided into 200-250 lobules with septa between the lobules. In each lobule are the seminiferous tubules, where the nucleation and maturation of sperm take place. Sperm enter the epididymis through the seminiferous tubules and are transported to the vas deferens in the urethra. The structure of the testes is quite complex, and they are penetrated by a dense network of blood vessels, so there are many reasons why testes can be harmful to men.
A healthy testicle is easily felt through the scrotum, which is smooth, elastic, and rounded. The appendages are shaped like rollers. The testicles play an important role in the male body. They reproduce sperm, which produces testosterone. The appendages are responsible for the maturation of sperm, which travels from the testes to the vas deferens.
With the help of paired organs, the hormonal balance in the male body is maintained as they produce testosterone and sperm, which are responsible for the formation of secondary sexual characteristics.
Unpleasant feelings occur at any age, and their intensity varies and depends on what causes them. You should consult a doctor if you need to determine the cause, which is why it can hurt in one or both testicles at the same time.
Main causes of testicular pain
If a man's egg is injured, then they usually assume it's due to a blow or squeeze, sometimes without even suspecting that the mediocre flu, SARS, and especially complications negatively affect testicular function. Testicular pain in men can be caused by hormonal disturbances, injuries, vascular lesions, and numerous lesions of the genitourinary and excretory systems. There is minimal pain in the scrotum and you need to have it checked by a competent urologist. It's better to double check to fix the problem: if the testicle is injured, what it might be, and get treatment, rather than losing your masculinity due to complications of the disease.
There are many reasons for pain. Pain sensations vary in intensity and occur in one testicle or both.
Urologists share why men's testicles can be injured into groups. Each cause is spontaneous, but again, all the organs of the human body are interconnected. Group Description of Causes of Testicular Injuries in Men:
The reasons why this group of eggs can harm men include mechanical damage to the testicles and penis upon impact, as well as damage to the nerve endings that penetrate the penis and testicles.
This injury is due to hypothermia, overheating, and often self-satisfaction, therefore, after masturbation, the right side of the egg hurts, but discomfort can also be observed on the left side, as well as on both sides at the same time.
If the injury occurs with too aggressive friction during sex, improper use of the sex toy, then the egg can hurt after sex.
Men's testicular pain is caused by wearing tight underwear and being exposed to chemical or radioactive substances where they live or work.
In this case, if a man's egg is injured by excitement, the reason is that the erection does not end with ejaculation. If the testicles are painful during abstinence or after incomplete discharge, nothing terrible and pathological can happen to the reproductive organs. Scientists have genetically explained why a man's eggs hurt after prolonged excitement. They attribute this to tension in the testicular muscles, causing them to cramp.
Sexually transmitted diseases, inflammatory processes become the cause of man's egg injury.
Vascular disease
This group of causes of testicular pain in men includes many blood vessel problems. This is a blockage of the blood vessels that supply the testicles, causing damage to the egg, torsion of the testicle, leading to necrosis, and if you don't seek specialist help in time, varicocele (varicocele of the testicle, which in its final stages causes pain in the testicles in men and pulls into the scrotum).
This group of causes of egg injury in men includes prostatitis, urethritis, urolithiasis and other conditions that can cause pain in the testicles.
Conditions that cause scrotal pain
If you have pain in the groin area, then you should understand that only consulting a competent urologist can help you get treatment recommendations.
This may indicate the presence of:
Inflammation of the seminal vesicles (vesiculitis)
Urethritis causes inflammation when blood enters the seminal vesicles from a urinary tract infection. Seminal vesiculitis can cause pain in the testicles and lower abdomen in men.
Another reason why eggs in men can be injured. If a person consumes a lot of salt, obesity, genetic predisposition, inflammatory processes in the organs of the urinary system, metabolic disorders, it develops due to a violation of the diet. Doctors use tried and tested treatment protocols, and they know what to do if the testicles are injured due to urolithiasis.
It is an inflammatory disease that arises due to hypothermia, decreased immunity, and hormonal imbalance. It often causes testicular pain in men.
If a man has testicles, a test for urethritis is required. It is a disease characterized by the development of bacterial flora in the urinary tract. The bacteria then travel with the blood to the testes, causing them to develop bacterial infections. The urologist decides what to do if the egg is injured due to urethritis. A course of antibiotics is usually prescribed in the form of an injection or dropper.
urethral cancer
Malignant tumors that metastasize to the testis. When the tumor is more than 3 cm in diameter, the testicle becomes painful. The diagnosis can sound pretty daunting, so if a man's testicle is injured, it's best to make sure it's not cancer.
The cause of testicular pain in men is STDs. Especially syphilis, genital herpes, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasma, chlamydia, granulomas, gonorrhea. The main causative agents of these diseases are fungi, bacteria, and viruses. In this case, it directly injures the testicle or under the testicle, and the pain is usually permanent and dull. Testicular pain in men, caused by sexually transmitted diseases, with penile discharge, superficial ulcers, and increased lymph nodes. You should contact a STD, who will find out the cause of the testicular pain and suggest how to get rid of the discomfort.
Disorders associated with testicular plexiform varicose veins. It occurs most often on the left side due to the anatomical features of the circulatory system structures. Therefore, if you have pain in your left testicle after sex, you need to check for the presence of this disorder.
testicular malignancy
If your left testicle or testicle hurts after sex, you may have cancer. The disease causes genetic predisposition, severe testicular damage, cryptorchidism. But urologists say the testicles are the only place where the cause of the malignancy and why the male organ of the egg is harmed in such cases has not been precisely determined. They have not been fully explored.
If testicular pain is accompanied by changes in the shape and texture of the scrotal skin, it is most likely due to testicular edema (hydrocele). Pain syndrome in men is described as a feeling of heaviness in the groin, which occurs due to fluid buildup in the testicles. Dropsy is one of the most common causes of testicular pain in men.
inguinal hernia
If a man has pain on the right side of the lower abdomen that radiates to the testicles and legs, this indicates an inguinal hernia on that side. The hernia was surgically removed, but after that, testicular pain syndrome plagued men for a long time. The detection of an inguinal hernia explains why a man's egg hurts when he's aroused. When excited, it pinches and causes horribly severe pain.
vas deferens valve violation
If egg pain occurs after intercourse, it is a sign that the man is not ejaculating. Sperm is fully produced, but sperm is not expelled after orgasm, but into urine, which is why testicles can be injured after sex.
Inflammation and Infectious Diseases
This is one of the most common reasons men see a urologist for complaining of a testicle injury or under the testicle. Pain usually occurs during sexual intercourse. This can indicate orchitis, when inflammation, prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland), epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis), becomes the cause of testicular pain.
Epididymitis, pain on one side, gradually worsening, swelling of the scrotum, burning sensation during urination, white fluid discharge from the urethra. If epididymitis is diagnosed, men's eggs and lower abdominal pain, what should be done in this situation? Urgent treatment is required or infertility may occur in the future.
Orchitis is a common cause of testicular injury. With orchitis, the testicles not only hurt, but they also become enlarged, there is a temperature, and the pain can radiate to the groin and lower back. What should I do if a man's egg is injured due to orchitis? It is necessary to consult a competent specialist and carry out complex treatment.
Prostatitis is a common cause of egg pain in men. Inflammation of the prostate, which can occur in both acute and chronic forms. The acute form is characterized by severe pain that appears suddenly and disappears quickly. The chronic form causes pulling and mild pain in a man's egg, which occurs on a regular basis. Pain when urinating. If a man's egg is damaged by prostatitis, only a doctor can decide what to do.
The most dangerous cause of the disease
There are many reasons why a man's eggs can be injured, which can be a threat to his health. They happen very rarely, but you still need to know these serious causes of egg injuries in men and how to treat them to be prepared.
These include:
- Severe trauma to the scrotum.
It usually causes severe pain in the testicles in men. Through mechanical action, the integrity of the testis may be disrupted. In this state, a person is plagued by severe and excruciating pain, and he may fall into shock and lose consciousness. If the husband's testicles are injured by the injury, the wife should decide what to do as soon as possible. Seek immediate medical attention to prevent complications that may even lead to testicular loss.
- Twisted spermatic cord.
A very dangerous cause of egg injury that requires an immediate visit to a urologist. Most often occurs during sleep. In this case, a man with no apparent injury, in the absence of reproductive disorders, experiences sudden severe pain in the scrotum that radiates to the legs. But sometimes torsion occurs during active movement during intercourse, which is the answer to the question: why testicles can be injured after intercourse.
The disease becomes the cause of injury to the testis, and it quickly leads to the development of necrosis of the testicular tissue, as the nerves and blood vessels supplying the testis are compressed. There are reasons why the testicles can be injured, especially during childhood, and in men it can be caused by physical overwork.
In the normal state, each testis is suspended from the spermatic cord, through which the blood vessels and vas deferens pass. Sometimes the testicle moves in the scrotum and its cord is twisted. Blood flow to the testicles stops, and sperm cannot be expelled. In this case, you must know why a man's egg is injured for no reason, as the situation can quickly become critical as the torsion can cause the testicles to shrink and necrosis.
physiological reasons
Discomfort and pain in the testicles in men are not always associated with the development of pathological processes. This is usually due to a person's simple physiology. This happens if sperm isn't released after sexual arousal, and explains why the ball hurts after a riser. This happens more often during adolescence, when young men are very sexually active, but at the same time they still don't understand why a man's eggs are hurt or how to relieve sexual tension.
But sometimes the question of why eggs hurt after prolonged abstinence also worries adults. If a man is awakened, his genitals swell with the rush of blood. If for any reason he cannot get sexual release, the testicles will be sore. If abstinence leads to testicular injury, the "what to do" question can be addressed in the following ways:
- gender. You can fix this: what if, with the help of sex, the egg hurts from excitement, during which the excess tension in the testicles will subside and so will the pain.
- self-satisfaction. Another answer to this question: What to do if the egg hurts from abstinence.
- Distracted thoughts about sex. If the egg is sore from abstinence, but the doctor forbids sex, wait a few hours until the excitement itself subsides (usually the pain doesn't last more than 4 hours).
But it's worth knowing that if the egg is injured after masturbation, it may be due to the opposite reason, namely that men often ejaculate within a short period of time. These pains are not life-threatening, and they go away within a few hours. But in this case, men should moderate their libido.
The cause of testicular pain in men can be various surgical interventions in the abdomen and groin. After this type of surgery, sexual contact is usually limited for a period of time, so the testicles can overflow from ejaculation and become painful. In this case, there is only one answer to the question of what to do when a man's egg is injured from excitement during the postoperative period - wait until it passes by itself.
Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention
Men's eggs are injured for different reasons. Representatives of the human powerhouse need to know in which cases it is not possible to delay the process, which doctor to contact if the testicle is injured, what the male might be causing and how to treat it. Emergency medical attention is required in the following cases:
- If a man has severe pain in the testicles when touching the scrotum;
- Testicular pain, hardening, and visual changes in color and shape after sex;
- Testicular pain that becomes more intense over time;
- bulge in the scrotum;
- If a man's testicles are injured, the temperature will rise, causing nausea and vomiting;
- One's balls hurt for an hour after the injury.
Not everyone knows which doctor to contact in this situation. To determine the cause of testicular discomfort, and to understand why eggs are hurting, you should contact your andrologist's urologist. This is a doctor who specializes in male diseases. Do not isolate the cause and treatment at home. You may be wasting your time, especially if the testicular discomfort is caused by a pathological condition.
In some cases, a simple examination and palpation of the scrotum is sufficient to determine the cause of a man's egg pain and to prescribe treatment. Doctors perform a thorough visual examination to explore the texture of the testicles. Usually after that it becomes clear why the testicle is injured.
If pathology cannot be detected after examination and palpation, then to determine the cause of testicular pain in men, what does it mean, scrotal ultrasound, MRI, sperm test, blood test, urine test, urethral smear, testicular if necessarybiopsy. This diagnostic technique allows you to identify the causative agent of the disease and decide how to get rid of testicular pain.
It is best not to delay seeing a specialist because the sooner a diagnosis is made, the sooner the cause of testicular pain in men can be identified and the sooner treatment can be initiated. This is very important, especially when it comes to such a male organ.
The solution to the question of why the testicle is injured depends on the diagnosis. A large part is due to factors such as patient age and disease course characteristics, because even in the same disease, different treatment plans can be prescribed.
Prevention will help reduce a man's risk of having testicles for the cause.
Prevention is as follows:
- Wear loose-fitting underwear made of natural fabrics;
- Regular self-examination and palpation of the scrotum for changes in color and density, which can allow you to determine the cause of the testicular injury;
- Continued sex, preferably with a partner, as long-term abstinence in men can cause testicular pain;
- Follow safety regulations when doing physical work and sports.
In most cases, the cause of the injury to the male egg does not pose any fatal danger to life. But in some cases, it indicates that something is wrong with the body. When eggs cause damage to men with Ponzi plexus varicose veins, hydrocele, and other serious medical conditions, it should be decided by a specialist who needs immediate help.