Folk remedies for treating impotence. 21 recipes

Let’s talk about the most effective recipes that help restore and enhance male strength.Treatment effectiveness using traditional methods

21 proven folk recipes to help you regain your male strength

Royal jelly and impotenceTake 5-10 drops of 4% royal jelly (the drug is preserved with 45% alcohol), 3 times a day (hold it in the mouth until completely absorbed). Shake well before use. The course of treatment is two months. You can repeat after 10-15 days of rest.Super Bee Pollen and AphrodisiacTake 1/2-1 teaspoon of Super Bee Pollen half an hour before meals, 3 times a day, to treat impotence. The course of treatment is 60 days. You can repeat after two weeks of rest. Super bee pollen is of high quality and is obtained through special raw material purification technology. I noticed early on that if the pollen is not purified well, it will not be effective. Often, loose pollen can become infested with mites, contain mycotoxins (a dangerous waste product of mold that affects the liver, has carcinogenic and other harmful properties), and then disaster is inevitable.Honey Balm and ImpotenceMaking honey balm at home is not difficult. Take 500 grams of honey, 500 grams of freshly crushed 3-5 year old aloe vera leaves (do not water the plant 5 days before cutting the leaves) and 500 grams of red wine with a strength of 16-17°. Mix all ingredients and place in a cool place for 5 days. Then strain and take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, 1-1. 5 hours before meals. After 5-7 days, gradually increase the dose to 1 tablespoon. Take one scoop per dose, 2-3 times daily. The course of treatment is 1 month. It should be repeated after a rest of 7-10 days.silver flower red flowerThe medical industry produces a rhizome extract of Leuzea safflower root (1: 1 in 70% alcohol). Take 20-30 drops with a small amount of water half an hour before meals (the last dose should be no later than 19: 00 pm) for 3-4 weeks to treat impotence.Walnuts cure impotenceEat 1 cup of walnut kernels every day, divided into 2-3 times, and drink it with goat's milk (daily milk intake is 2 cups). The course of treatment for impotence is 1 month. Can be repeated after 10-14 days of rest.Parsnips and ImpotenceTake 2-3 tablespoons daily. tablespoon fresh parsnip roots in salads (you can also eat dried parsnips as a side dish for meat) or drink 1/2 cup warm parsnip seed infusion (to prepare, pour a teaspoon of seeds into a thermos and add a cup of boiling water, leave for 1-2 hours, drain) for impotence.Carrot juice and honey can aphrodisiacMix freshly squeezed carrot juice with honey (1: 1) and take 1/4 cup 3 times a day for aphrodisiac. The same mixture is very useful for digestive tract diseases.Golden Root and ImpotenceTake alcoholic extract of Rhodiola rosea (golden root) to treat impotence, 5-10 drops 2-3 times a day, 20-30 minutes before meals, for 2-3 weeks. Then comes a two-week break. If necessary, the dosing process can be repeated. This treatment is contraindicated in cases of high blood pressure and nervous excitement.Acanthopanax acanthopanax extractTake 2 ml of Acanthopanax alcoholic extract half an hour before meals, 3 times a day for sexual weakness. The course of treatment is 1 month. You can repeat after a break. Acanthopanax extract stimulates gonadal function, has an overall strengthening effect, and improves mental and physical performance. It is contraindicated in hypertensive crisis and febrile states.Schisandra chinensisOur pharmaceutical industry produces lemongrass tincture (1: 5 of 95% alcohol). To treat impotence, take 25-30 drops 2-3 times a day, half an hour before meals, for one month. Consuming fresh or dried lemongrass fruits can provide excellent results. The dosage of fresh berries is 2-5 berries. Per dose 2-3 times a day, dry - 0. 5 g 2-3 times a day (ground).Zamani HagaoA tincture of its root (prepared with 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1: 5) is taken 30-40 drops in a small amount of water every morning, 2-3 times a day for 3-8 weeks, for the treatment of impotence.ginseng20-25 drops of tincture, 2-3 times a day, 20-30 minutes before meals (the last dose should not be later than 19 hours, since the tonic effect of the drug may interfere with falling asleep), 3-8 consecutive days of impotence for several weeks.Manchurian Dragon TeethImpotence tincture (1: 5 mixed with 70% alcohol) 30-40 drops, a small amount of water, 2-3 times a day, take half an hour before meals (the last dose no later than 19 hours), for 25-30 days. .fat seaDrink 20 drops of the tincture 20-30 minutes before meals, 2-3 times a day (do not take it at night as it may affect your sleep) for 3-8 weeks to treat impotence.LungwortPour 20 grams of dry crushed herbs into 0. 5 liters of room temperature boiling water, put in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, then remove and let stand for 30-40 minutes to soak. Thereafter, strain and drink 1/3-1/2 cup of infusion 2-3 times a day, half an hour to an hour before meals, for 4-5 weeks to treat impotence.Garlic and onions enhance benefitsDrinking 10-20 drops of garlic tincture with a small amount of water 2-3 times a day or eating 2-3 cloves of garlic at night can also aphrodisiac, and replace it with a small head of onion or green onion. Onions, for example in salads, in the absence of contraindications (e. g. liver disease, kidney disease).Ordinary MoldovnikStrengthens skeletal muscles and cardiac muscle and has a general nourishing effect, lowering blood pressure. Moldovnik fruit is used as a medicinal raw material. The medical industry produces the drug eopsin, which is extracted from the fruit of the plant. Esinopsin is produced in bottles containing 1% solution of the alkaloid Esinopsin (prescribed for 10 drops 2 times a day), and in ampoules containing 1 ml of a 0. 4% solution (1 ml for subcutaneous injection 1 time a day). The course of treatment for impotence is 3-5 weeks.Leaf beetleDistributed in eastern my country. Leaves and non-lignified branches with a thickness not exceeding 3 mm are used as medicinal raw materials. The main active ingredient of the plant is the alkaloid phyllosine. It is isolated in its pure form. Its tablet preparation is phytidine nitrate, which is used to treat hypotension, fatigue, dizziness, etc. Taking it can improve your health, give you more energy and increase sexual activity. 1 tablet contains 0. 002 g (2 mg) phytinin nitrate. Take 1 tablet 2 times daily. There is also an ampoule preparation. 1 ampoule contains 1 ml of 0. 2% solution of nitric acid leaf autumn. Subcutaneous injection, the course of treatment for impotence is 20-30 days. This treatment is contraindicated in hypertension, chronic kidney disease, epilepsy, heart disease, Graves' disease.vitex sacredIt is also known as wild pepper or Abraham tree. Grows on the Black Sea coast. The fruits, seeds and leaves are harvested for medicinal purposes. Alcoholic tinctures of the ripe fruits of the plant are used to treat impotence and disorders accompanying depression.Discovering Orchids (Cuckoo's Tears)The medicinal raw material is the tuber of the plant (called sarun when dried). They were used to maintain strength in old age, in serious illness, and as an aphrodisiac for sexual weakness. Take 2-3 grams of dried and powdered orchid tubers, soak them in a small amount of cold water, then pour 0. 5 liters of boiling water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, let stand for 20-30 minutes, filter and drink once/2 cups, daily3 times to treat impotence.Vitamin E (Tocopheryl Acetate) for enhanced potencyLack of it can have adverse effects on sexual function and may lead to muscle cramps, anemia, muscle degenerative changes, etc. When taken orally, 5%, 10%, and 30% vitamin E oil solutions are produced. . 1 ml of the medicine contains 50, 100 or 300 mg of synthetic vitamin E respectively. If potency and spermatogenesis are impaired, take tocopherol 100-300 mg daily for 1 month. After taking vitamin E for 2-4 weeks, you will feel a surge of energy, increased libido, increased libido, and overall, you will feel younger and more energetic. Vitamin E is especially beneficial for older adults. It is not called "the elixir of life" for nothing. Wheat sprouts and cereals, green parts of plants, vegetable oils (sunflower, cottonseed, sea buckthorn, soybean, etc. ) contain large amounts of this valuable vitamin. I suggest you give rye bread a priority. It contains 4 times more vitamin E than white. People have long called it "the bread of love. "There are benefits to including wheat sprouts in your diet. They contain not only vitamin E, but also large amounts of ascorbic acid and B vitamins, as well as other complexes of substances that increase biological value. How to cook them? Take 50 g of wheat (over time the amount can be increased to 100 g), rinse with warm water and place on a plate covered with a damp linen (cotton) cloth. Then cover the grains with another damp cloth (be careful not to let it dry out). New shoots will appear in a day. Rinse and pass them through a meat grinder. Eat the resulting pulp in the morning before breakfast, chewing it thoroughly. Regular consumption of sprouts helps normalize metabolism and improve health, which is important in itself, but the main thing is that sprouts increase male strength.